
Meet Your International Board Certified Lactation Consultant


Breastfeeding is natural, but it may take a little support!

When I became pregnant with my son, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. However, my breastfeeding journey had a rough start. I credit my "I want this / I won't give up" attitude and the support of an AMAZING lactation consultant, that I surpassed my breastfeeding goal.

It is from that experience that I became passionate about supporting other mothers/families and decided to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). I have been in private practice for over 8 years. I have also worked  for WIC (Women, Infants, & Children), as well as at a local Baby-Friendly® hospital.

I am not one of those 'crazy/pushy' breastfeeding women. I am here to support you in meeting YOUR needs and goals. I will recommend supplementing if and when it is necessary.

Let me be your BF cheerleader!

